Welcome to The Goat Academy

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About Us

Our mission is to help goat owners become experts on their goats without losing their minds or going broke.

Our vision for the future is a world where goat owners, veterinarians, and other livestock professionals understand and practice the ideal management of goats so that they don't merely survive but thrive. 

Our values include high standards for excellence in education and communication. We are infinitely curious and compassionate, and we value our community of goat lovers.

We know goat owners are underserved because there has been a lack of solid research on goats, and many goat products are worthless at best and harmful at worst.

We know the answer to almost every goat question is, "It depends!" because every farm and every goat is unique.

We know there is always more to learn, and we are excited to dive in and learn more.

Why Join Us

Are you ready to become the expert on your goats on your farm?

Most people are raising goats reactively, not sure if everything is okay or not, and scrambling to find answers, only to get confused about the best course of action when facing their latest emergency. 

We believe in raising goats proactively, which means you learn what your goats need, how your environment may affect them, what the ideal diet is for goats on YOUR farm, and how you can manage their care to avoid problems. You are not copying what someone else does on another farm that has different soil, different plants, different water, and different goats.